
Tuesday, November 30, 2021

No Filling Station Near Us, Say Neighbors, Nov. 30, 1921

Citizens Protest Filling Station

Vigorous protest against the establishment of an automobile filling station at the southwest corner of East avenue and McDowell street was registered before the city commissioners Wednesday morning.

Property owners along the street, headed by W.W. Watt, appeared before the commission and urged that the Standard Oil Company be restrained from carrying out its program of building a filling station on the lot, which was sold to the oil company by Plummer Stewart.

The commissioners informed the delegation that permission to erect the building has already been given the company. The Standard Oil Company first planned the erection of a station directly across the street, on the opposite corner, but property holders protested so vehemently that a change was made.

From The Charlotte News, Nov. 30, 1921

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