
Friday, November 26, 2021

Prison Escapees Include Tom Clayton, Convicted of Killing Deputy Blue, Nov. 26, 1921

Six Men Who Escaped From State Prison Farm Last Night Still at Large

By Associated Press

Raleigh, Nov. 26—No trace of the six prisoners who escaped from the state prison farm near here last night when they smashed a window in one of the barracks had been found by prison guards up to noon today. The convicts were serving sentences ranging from 15 months to 20 years.

Among the prisoners who made their escape was Tom Clayton, New York youth, who was convicted at Fayetteville early this year of second degree murder and sentenced to serve 20 years for the killing of Deputy Sheriff Blue, who attempted to arrest him on the streets of Fayetteville.

From the front page of The New Bern Sun Journal, Nov. 26, 1921

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