
Saturday, November 13, 2021

Purple Whirlwind of Greensboro High School Expects to Beat Queen City Boys, Nov. 19, 1921

Greensboro to Meet Queen City Boys in Championship Contest

The Purple Whirlwind of Greensboro High School on Saturday, Nov. 19, for the first game in the elimination contest for the scholastic championship in Western North Carolina.

Both teams go into the season with a good record for the season. The Purple lads probably have the edge in point of experience and in the showing made this year.

The playing of the Greensboro Club has been erratic—two hard games in succession haven’t been played up to standard form. The record of the team, however, has been good. A defeat by Durham and a tie game with Winston have been more than balanced by the overwhelming defeat of D.M.I., Guilford College Scrubs, Chapel Hill, and a 7-0 victory over Winston earlier in the season.

Charlotte has one of the strongest teams since the high school days of “Chuck” Pharr and Larry Templeton, when the Queen City lads were the champs of Western North Carolina. The Charlotte aggregation has played several hard games, winning them by a good margin.

The Whirlwind, however, should have no trouble with Queen City boys, since the team will go into the game with no one on the sick list and the advantage of a 10-days' rest.

From the front page of “High” Life, the Greensboro High School’s newspaper, Nov. 11, 1921

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