
Saturday, November 13, 2021

Religious Notes from The Charlotte News, Nov. 13, 1921

City Ministers to Hold Monthly Meeting

The Charlotte Ministerial Association will meet in regular monthly session Monday at 11 o’clock in the Y.M.C.A. building. Rev. J.F. Crigler of St. Mark’s Lutheran Church is president. Rev. E.G. Carson is secretary and Rev. H.G. Hardin is chairman of the program committee.

The last meeting of the ministers was held in the First Presbyterian Church, but the November meeting will be held in the usual place, the Y.M.C.A. building.


Mr. McIlwaine Is Speaker

Addressing boys of the city for the first time since his arrival here, Rev. W.B. McIlwaine, pastor of Westminster Presbyterian Church, will speak at the boys meeting of the Y.M.C.A. Sunday afternoon at 3:30 o’clock at the “Y”. A short song service will precede the address. The announcement of the meeting says that all boys of the city, whether members of the “Y” or not, are invited to attend.


Circles of Wistminster Church (Westminster?)

The circles of the Woman’s Auxiliary will meet Monday afternoon as follows:

Circle 1—Mrs. R.S. Motte, chairman, will meet at Mrs. Mott’s home, 604 Kingston Avenue, Dilworth, at 4 o’clock.

Circle 2—Mrs. J.P. Kirkpatrick, chairman, will meet at Mrs. Kirkpatrick’s home, 320 East Oak Street, at 4 o’clock.

Circle 3—Mrs. E.V. Irwin, chairman, will meet at Mrs. Irwin’s home, 412 East Park Avenue, Dilworth, at 4 o’clock.

Circle 4—Mrs. John McKay, chairman, will meet at Mrs. McKay’s home, 1706 Cleveland Avenue, at 3:30 o’clock.

Circle 5—Mrs. W.S. Adans (likely meant to be Adams), chairman, will meet at Mrs. Adams’ home, 1609 Cleveland Avenue, at 4 o’clock.

Circle 6—Mrs. R.W. Matheson, chairman, will meet at Mrs. Matheson’s home, 312 East Boulevard, Dilworth, at 4 o’clock.

Circle 7—Mrs. G.H. McDonald, chairman, will meet at Mrs. McDonald’s home, 1808 East Boulevard, Dilworth, at 4 o’clock.

Circle 8—Mrs. W.T. McCoy, chairman, will meet at Mrs. McCoy’s home, 415 Kinston Avenue, at 4 o’clock.

Circle 9—Miss Laura Reilley, chairman, will meet at Miss Reilley’s home, 400 Park Avenue, at 4 o’clock.

The two business women’s circles, Numbers 10 and 11, will meet Tuesday evening at the church at 8 o’clock. Mrs. G.W.N. Aitken is chairman of 10 and Miss Ruth Bacon of 11.

From The Charlotte News, Sunday, Nov. 13, 1921

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