
Wednesday, November 10, 2021

Rev. S.R. Walker Has Added 50 Members of AME Zion Church in Kinston, Nov. 10, 1921

Rev. S.R. Walker in Kinston

Kinston is a town in the flat county of eastern North Carolina, about 60 miles from the sea and west of New Bern on the Neuse River.

We have a well-established church here in a substantial population. A majority of the colored people own their homes and a goodly number have business and large holdings.

Rev. S.R. Walker, formerly presiding elder in the Palmetto conference, is pastor and closing out his first year there.

He will go to conference with 50 additions to the membership, his assessments raised and a sum in treasury sufficient to finish their beautiful brick church. Upon a visit there Oct. 30 and 31st, we met the congregation that filled the church to its capacity and an enthusiasm that betokened fine success.

We preached for him in his Ter-centenary rally and gave a review of our trip to Europe and the Ecumenical Conference, Monday night, Dr. Reid, pastor of the Southern Methodist Church, brought a party of merchants and professional men showing his interest in Dr. Walker and their Connectional effort.

This pastor came to Kinston with a rich experience, having been presiding elder for six years and a student of the general church for a decade.

He is restless until doing something to advance the Cause, keeps his people engaged and both old and young alike love him. Mrs. Walker, his faithful wife, is a constant assistant to the Cause.

Dr. Walker is able to handle any appointment entrusted to his care as his works testify.

From The Star of Zion, Charlotte, N.C., Nov. 10, 1921

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