
Monday, November 29, 2021

Social News From Wilmington, N.C., Nov. 29, 1921

Society News

Miss Athalia Bunting, Editor, Phone 61

Miss Marguerite Bellamy and Miss Emma Williamson arrived Sunday from ?? Hill where they spent Thanksgiving, enroute from a visit of several weeks in New York city.

Miss Fannie Grainer has returned from Baltimore where she visited her aunt, Mrs. Theodore Marburg.

Mrs. Brice Furpless and son, Lanier, Southport, returned home yesterday morning after a visit to Mrs. J. Davis ?? Jr.

Miss Temple Bass arrived Sunday morning from Henderson, where she spent Thanksgiving with her father, Mr. Bass.

Mr. and Mrs. E.K. Bryan are spending some time in New York city.

Miss Virginia Suther has returned from Goldsboro where she spent the holidays with her family.

Miss Margaret Gulley has returned to Greensboro after visiting her sister, Miss Isabel Gulley, during the Thanksgiving holidays.

T.F. Darden, Marsden Bellamy and Marsden Bellamy Jr. Have returned from Chapel Hill where they attended the game.

Circle No. 2 Fifth Avenue Methodist church will meet with Mrs. W.R. Dosher at her home, 16 Suth Ninth street, Thursday night at 8 o’clock. The date of this meeting is changed from Tuesday. Members are requested to bring such articles as they may have for the sale.

William King and Donald Koonce returned Sunday from Chapel Hill where they attended the game.

Mrs. W.H. Ponton and little daughter, Eutha, who spent Thanksgiving here with Mrs. A.F. Laupp, the baby’s grandmother, have returned to their home in Fayetteville.

Dr. William H. Milton has gone to Delaware on business for the nationwide campaign.

Mr. and Mrs. Hargrove Bellamy have returned from Chapel Hill where they attended the game after spending some time in Durham with Mrs. Bellamy’s mother, Mrs. Irving.

Miss Christine Butler and Miss Mary Pickett have returned from Chapel Hill where they attended the dances and the Thanksgiving game.

Mr. and Mrs. R.L. Cobb left yesterday morning for their home in Tarboro after spending several days with Mr. and Mrs. George Thomas.

Mrs. George Hardwicke, who has been visiting with her mother, Mrs. Thomas F. Darden during the holidays, returned Sunday evening to Kinston to join Mr. Hardwicke, who spent the Thanksgiving holidays at Chapel Hill.

The Young Woman’s Bible class of the First Presbyterian church will hold its monthly meeting this evening at 8 o’clock in the clubrooms.

John B. Munson of Cincinnati and daughter, Miss Alice Henning Munson of Richmond, left Sunday evening in Mr. Munson’s car after spending the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Ed Munson.

Ensign Thomas Darden Jr., who has been visiting his parents, returned yesterday to Charleston to rejoin the destroyer squadron of the Atlantic fleet.

Circle No. 3, Fifth Avenue Methodist church, will meet this afternoon at 3 o’clock with Mrs. W.W. Way, 609 South Second street.

The last meeting of the young woman’s auxiliary of St. James church to be held before the doll sale will be held Wednesday afternoon at 3:30 at the parish house. All members are requested to bring their dressed dolls to this meeting.

Miss Margaret Lovell Gibson and Mrs. George Leftwich will leave today for Rocky Mount to attend the council of the State Federation which will open today. Miss Gibson goes as state director and is on the program for Wednesday, the subject of her address being “The General Federation.” Mrs. Leftwich is president of this, the ninth district. The council will continue through Thursday, December 1st.

Mrs. W.H. Milton and Miss Virginia Milton are spending some time in Baltimore.

Mrs. Henry W. Newberry of Magnolia has returned after visiting friends and relatives here for the past month.

Miss Meta Hand spent the week end with friends in Rose Hill.

Miss Jesse Fussell and Miss Estelle Fussell of Rose Hill shopped in Wilmington Saturday.

From the Wilmington Morning Star, Nov. 29, 1921

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