
Friday, November 12, 2021

Superior Court Reverses Judge Spence Who Fined Policeman $50 for Getting Whipped, Nov. 11, 1921

An Obstacle Removed in the Suit of Twiddy. . . Superior Court Reverses Judge Spence Who Fined Policeman $50 for Getting Whipped

The judgement of the Recorders Court in the case against policeman George Twiddy, convicted of an assault upon J.M. Wilson, a prominent young farmer of this county, was reversed in the Superior Court here this week. A jury found Twiddy now guilty. Twiddy caused the arrest of the traffic laws. Mr. Wilson encountered Twiddy on the street later and gave him a merciless beating. The evidence showed that Mr. Wilson was the aggressor and that Twiddy made no defense. But Recorder Spence slapped a fine of $50 on Twiddy. If the fine had stuck, Twiddy’s chances of recovering from Mr. Wilson in a civil action would have been greatly weakened. But the fine didn’t stick. Twiddy is now suing Wilson for $1,500 for damages.

From the front page of The Independent, Elizabeth City, N.C., Nov. 11, 1921

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