
Wednesday, December 15, 2021

A.G. Floyd of Fairmont Captain of N.C. State Football Team, Dec. 15, 1921

High Point Boy to Manage State Eleven

A.G. Floyd of Fairmont will captain the 1922 North Carolina State College football team, and J.E. Teague of High Point will be manager, these elections being made Friday night at a banquet at the college dining hall in honor of the football squad, 1921 state champions.

“Big Floyd,” as he is familiarly known about the campus, has played on the football team for three seasons, two of the years at guard and this year at tackle. During this tme he has been one of the Wolfpack’s most consistent gridiron performers. Standing well over six feet in height and weighing close to 190 pounds, he has shown an aggressiveness and a knowledge of line play that stamps him as one of the greatest forwards in the south.

Floyd is one of the most popular men in college, is president of the student council, and a leader in every worth while student activity. His high ideals of clean living and his perfect physical condition, brought about by strict training, admirably fits him for leadership in the greatest of all intercollegiate sports. Under his able guidance, next year’s steam is expected to be a strong contender in the newly organized southern conference.

From the front page of The Review, High Point, N.C., Dec. 15, 1921

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