
Thursday, December 9, 2021

Brevard Connects With Outside World Via Wireless, Dec. 9, 1921

Brevard Connected With Outside by Wireless

Harold Norwood has recently installed a wireless telegraph and telephone receiving instrument in the basement of Norwood Huse, connected with an aerial running from the roof deck to a tall pine tree nearby. Telegraph messages can be held quite distinctly from Arlington, N.Y.; Washington, D.C.; Pittsburg, Pa.; and vessels out at sea. Every night concerts are heard from Washington and Pittsburg, and items of news, which are sent broadcast to wireless stations all over the world.

On Tuesday night we heard that the controversy over Ireland was settled; that she was to be known as the Irish Free State and have her won government like the other English colonies. The notes of the piano and other instruments are heard quite plainly, and Gallie Coutchie’s voice travels hundreds of miles equally well.

From The Brevard News, December 9, 1921

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