
Wednesday, December 22, 2021

Brief Items From The Roanoke News, Dec. 22, 1921

One of the First

Mr. A.G. Green called in last Monday morning and paid his subscription in advance, as it is his custom every year. He says he has been a subscriber to The Roanoke News since 1866, when it was owned and edited by Stone and Uzzell, and that being the case, he is doubtless the oldest subscriber on the list. He is 86 years old and is still hale and hearty. May he continue to live and prosper, is our sincere wish.


Sweet to Be Remembered

We want to return many thanks to our friend and kinsman, Mr. S.P. Johnston for a bag full of the best part of the hog killing. He knows when and how to touch a tender spot, just at this season of the year. How it does carry us back to the days of “Auld Lang Syne.”


A Large Garage

Workmen are busily engaged in erecting on Walnut street a large garage. The building will be 36 by 80 feet. The outside of the building will be sheet iron and will be occupied, when completed, by Mr. H.A. Hardison.



This well-known Norfolk firm, who has been busily engaged for the past 10 days arranging and getting their store in order, will open for business Thursday, December 22nd. They have a chain of 72 stores and wherever they go the people are pleased with goods and prices. Remember a cordial welcome awaits you at Pender’s. Advertisement announcing prices will appear later.


Reduced Christmas Holiday Excursion Fares

The Atlantic Coast Line will sell reduced fare round trip tickets for all trains on December 21 to 25, inclusive, between all points on its line and to all points on connecting lines in the southeast. Tickets will be limited returning to reach original starting point by or before midnight of January 4th. Call on A.C.L. Ticket Agents for tickets and further particulars.

From the front page of The Roanoke News, Weldon, N.C., Dec. 22, 1921

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