
Thursday, December 23, 2021

Church of Zion News from Charlotte, Rockingham, Dec. 23, 1921

Vicinity Items

Much interest is centering in the forthcoming production of the modern morality play “Every Woman,” which the Y.W.C.A. will present under the direction of J. Caesar Bryant of Detroit, Mich. An unusual cast has been assembled to interpret the masterpiece, which includes Misses Fanny Beatty, Edna Pride, Mildred Tate, Queen Washington, Hattie Davis, Morease Chisholm, Nannie Leary, Ogeechee Perrin, Edna Morris, Messrs. G. Brodie, H. Brodie, Hill, Richardson, Harris, Toles and Bryant. Admission, 25, 50, and 75 cents. Place and time of production in later issue.

Among the recent visitors to our office were Drs. J.S. Allen and W.G. Walls of Chester, S.C.; Prof. Whitehead of Goldsboro, N.C.; Dr. and Mrs. W.H. Vick and daughter of Toronto, Canada, and Mrs. Hargrave of Wilson, N.C., and Mr. Oglesby of Asheville.

Dr. W.J. Walls returned today from a trip to Washington, Philadelphia and New York. He was away eight days and reports churches and people in normal and fine condition.

Miss Josephine Price, one of the graded school teachers of Statesville, is home to spend the holidays with her mother, Mrs. Mary Price of Washington Heights.

Mr. Mayo Houston is in the city for the holidays.

The newly elected officers of the various departments of the A.M.E. Zion church are as follows:

Sunday School—Mr. W.M. Little, superintendent; Mr. J.A. Alexander, assistant superintendent; Mrs. Susie Murdock, secretary; Mrs. Lusian Brown, assistant secretary; Mrs. Cora Goomly, treasurer; Misses Ella Goomly, Nellie Jamison, Messrs. Hannibal Fisher and Turner Jamison, librarians.

Christian Endeavor Society—Miss Josephine Lowry, president; Miss Ethel Jamison, vice president; Miss Abberree Thomas, secretary; Mr. Lucian Brown, assistant secretary; Mrs. Dora Jamison, treasurer.

Music Committee—Mrs. Bessie Henderson, Miss Ethel Jamison, Mr. Reginald Fisher, Mr. William Etheridge.

A Christmas Cantata will be rendered Monday evening at the First Baptist church.

Every one is invited to come out to the 6 o’clock service Christmas morning at Grace A.M.E. Zion church. The Holy Communion will be administered.

Mr. and Mrs. E.H. Foster of East Liverpool, Ohio, are in the city to attend the 50th anniversary of their parents’ marriage, Mr. and Mrs. F.H. Foster of Washington Heights.

Misses Maggie and Estelle Arthur will spend the holidays visiting friends and relatives in Washington, D.C., and New York City.

Mr. Andrew Alexander left the city Tuesday for Baltimore, Md., to spend the winter.

Mrs. Edmonia Saunders has returned to the city after spending a few weeks in Hot Springs, Ark.

Mrs. Cora Gilyard died at her home on North Caldwell Street Mondy morning at 4 o’clock after an illness of a few days. Mrs. Gilyard was a loyal member of Grace A.M.E. Zion church and the death of this good woman is widely felt in the community in which she lived and the church of her choice. Deep sympathy goes out for the members of this bereaved family. The funeral services were conducted at the church Wednesday afternoon at 2 o’clock by Rev. Mitchell, Dr. S.D. Watkins and others.

The umbrella social given under the direction of Mrs. Morris Walker in the basement of Grace church on last Monday evening was a decided success. Mrs. Walker is an excellent church worker and every effort she attempts is crowned with success.


Work in Rockingham, N.C.

By Rev. O.J. Covington

Mrs. M.E. Taylor gave a surprise party for her husband Nov. 4 in honor of his birthday. A large number of members and friends attended, and all had a good time. Among the guests were Dr. and Mrs. F.D. Quick, Rev. O.J. Covington, C.R. DeBerry, Thomas Lilly, J.P. Wall, Jas. Freirson, F.C. Stocks, G.W. Jackson, Aaron McRay, Mr. and Mrs. G.M. Freison, Misses Bessie Steele, Fannie Ellerbe, Odessa Steele, Ella B. McCain, Willie Leak, Pecolia Wall, Missouri Leak, Mrs. Martha A. Leak, Mrs. Carrie McCain, Mrs. Hall of the Normal School faculty. Mrs. McCain, Miss Willie Leak and Miss Ella B. McCain assisted Mrs. Taylor in serving. The flowers were beautiful. Rev. Taylor received a number of beautiful presents and a purse of money. They all wished him many more years of a successful life.

Sunday night was our sixth monthly pleasant Sunday. The musical program was in charge of the senior choir and of a high order. Prof. Bell, Supt. of the Public Schools of Richmond County, made the principal address. After paying a glorious tribute to the Rev. W.H. Taylor for the work he is doing in the church and community, he made a splendid address, which was timely and helpful to the citizens of Rockingham, commending their good works and urging improvements where needed. It was a high day in Zion. Visitors were Dr. Robinson of Hamlet, Prof. H.H. Falkner of Greensboro of the graded school, and Prof. Everett.

From The Star of Zion, Charlotte, N.C., Dec. 23, 1921

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