
Sunday, December 5, 2021

Convicted in Mayor's Court, Dec. 5, 1921

Mayor’s Court

Cases before Mayor Killette this morning were:

Roger Armstrong, shooting fireworks in fire district, $9.25.

Larry Lamm, shooting fireworks in fire district, $9.25.

Walter Horne, shooting fireworks in fire district, $9.25.

Bennie Nolly, shooting fireworks in fire district, $9.25.

Fred Bowen, drunk, $9.25.

Zion Reed, disorderly, $19.75.

Bill Johnson, assault on his mother with an axe, $54.25. Johnson, who is a colored man, did not seriously injure his mother.

John Brooks, gambling, $14.75.

Julius Speight, gambling, $14.75.

Geo. Stokes, gambling, $14.75.

June McKenan, gambling, $14.75.

Chas. Stewart, gambling, $14.75.

Robert Wilkins, (Col.) gambling, $14.75. Tobe Bellamy, gambling, $14.75.

From the Daily Times, Wilson, N.C., Dec. 5, 1921

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