
Wednesday, December 15, 2021

Courts Have Been Busy, Dec. 15, 1921

Many Cases in Court Monday

Twenty-five arrests were made in High Point from Saturday at midnight until Sunday night at 6 o’clock, it was reported at the police station Monday. As the result, 26 cases were disposed of or continued by Judge Walter in municipal court Monday morning.

“We were kept continually busy making arrests Sunday and could have made many more if we had only had several additional policemen,” said Chief of Police Blackwelder.

None of the cases before Judge Royal was of special interest. Drunks and defendants charged with assault and larceny made out the docket.

Marion Weston and Worth Davis, white youth, were fined $25 and the costs when convicted on charges of assault on Van Holshouser.

Manning Littlejohn, negro, paid $10 and the costs for interfering with an officer in the performance of his duties.

Earl Cecil was fined $10 when found guilty of an assault on Blane Guyer. A nol pros was taken in the case in which Cecil was charged with assaulting Rose Steelman.

Sly Smith paid a fine of $25 plus the costs for an assault.

The prosecuting witness withdrew the warrant and paid the costs of the case in which Weaver Spencer was charged with larceny.

For participating in an affray Robert Moore and John Smith were fined $5 and half the costs each.

George Winfrey failed to appear in court when his name was called from the docket. He was charged with operating an automobile while intoxicated.


Fagg Found Guilty of Selling Liquor

Convicted of a charge of having liquor for sale, Jule Fagg, was sentenced to serve four months on the roads by Judge Walter Royal in municipal court Friday. The defendant gave notice of appeal and a $300 bond was named.


Auto Thieves Wave Examination Here

Walter Etheridge and Van Miller, Winston-Salem white men, charged with the larceny of the automobile of H. I. Coffield of this city, waived examination when arraigned before Judge Walter Royal in municipal court Saturday afternoon.

The two defendants were unable to furnish the required $500 bond and were sent to the Guilford county jail in Greensboro to await trial in Superior court.

Etheridge and Miller were brought back to High Point last week from Griffin, Ga., by Desk Sergeant L.R. French. They were arrested in Griffin by authorities of that place.


Miller Given a Road Sentence. . . Pleads Guilty to Theft of Automobile; Etheridge is Convicted in Greensboro

Van Miller, Winston-Salem white man, drew a sentence of 12 months on the county roads when he pleaded guilty Monday of the charge of larceny of the automobile of H.I. Coffield of this city.

W.E. Etheridge, also of Winston-Salem, entered a plea of not guilty, but he was convicted by a jury.

The two defendants were arrested in Griffin, Ga., several weeks ago. When taken into custody they were in possession of the automobile at a gas-filling station, having stopped for a supply of gasoline. They were accompanied by a white woman and are said to have been en route to Florida for the winter. Desk Sergeant L.R. French of the High Point police department went to Griffin and brought the prisoners back to this city.

Articles from the front page of The Review, High Point, N.C., Dec. 15, 1921

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