
Sunday, December 19, 2021

Fred Audrey Not in Salisbury and Ada Miller Not in Police Custody, Dec. 19, 1921

Charlotte Negro Not in Salisbury

Fred Audrey, one of the two negroes who are alleged to have attacked a Mecklenburg cunty woman near Charlotte Saturday night, was not brought to the Rowan county jail for safe-keeping, it was learned today. Salisbury and Rowan county officers have been advised to watch for Ada Miller, alias Adam Brown, the negro is declared to have attacked the young married woman. The state has offered a reward of $400 and the city of Charlotte $100 for the capture of Miller.

All day Saturday Mecklenburg citizens were scouring the lower end of the county in search for the negro who slapped and bruised the white woman. The purpose for which the attack was made was not accomplished.

From the Hickory Daily Record, Monday, Dec. 19, 1921

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