
Friday, December 24, 2021

Hackney Buggy Plant, 125 Automobiles Destroyed by Fire, Dec. 24, 1921

Hackney Buggy Plant of Wilson Destroyed by Fire. . . $400,000 Damage Was Caused by Fire to Big Plant This Morning. . . Over 125 Automobiles, Stored in Building, Were Totally Destroyed by the Early Morning Blaze. . . Entire Loss Covered by Insurance. . . Rocky Mount Fire Department Was Called Upon for Assistance and Rendered Aid in Fighting Fire

By Associated Press

Wilson, N.C., Dec. 24—Fire, starting in the automobile department of the Hackney Brothers buggy manufacturing plant here at about 5 o’clock this morning completely gutted the front of two three-story buildings owned by that company, and destroyed about 125 new and old automobiles stored in them. The loss on the buildings is estimated at $100,000, and their contents at $300,000, fully covered by insurance.

One of the buildings destroyed was used by the buggy company as a repair shop and the other as a storage warehouse for automobiles. The machinery and automobiles in the structure were destroyed.

The blaze had gained such headway when it was discovered that it was only by the heroic work of the firemen that it was prevented from spreading to other property. The heat from the fire caused about $2,500 damage to the Welfare Automobile Company’s building, located next to the Hackney plant, but did not catch on fire.

The Rocky Mount fire department was called upon for assistance, and one truck, in charge of Chief Daughtridge, made the trip to Wilson in record time, the firemen rendering valuable aid to the local fighters. The blaze was brought under control at 8 o’clock.

From the front page of The New Bern Sun Journal, Dec. 24, 1921

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