
Sunday, December 19, 2021

Helen Clarke Sigmon, Luther Buff, J.W. Cannon Sr., Peter Thompson, Dec. 18, 1921

Death of Child

Helen Clarke Sigmon, seven months old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A.O. Sigmon who live in the Sweetwater section, died yesterday morning and funeral services were conducted this afternoon at 2 o’clock. Interment was made in Oakwood cemetery.


Mr. Buff Dead

Funeral services for Mr. Luther C. Buff who died Saturday night were held yesterday afternoon from Arneys Chapel, conducted by Rev. Mr. Harris.

Mr. Buff was aged 31 years and was a son of Mr. Peter Buff. For a number of years he made his home in California, returning to this section about six weeks ago.

Mr. Cannon Still Alive Late Today

Concord, N.C., Dec. 19—The condition of J.W. Cannon Sr., who has been critically ill at his home here for the past 10 days, continued serious this afternoon. His death is momentarily expected and all members of his family are at his bedside.


P.A. Thompson Dead

Peter A. Thompson, well known Winston-Salem druggist, died in Los Angeles hospital Sunday from an attack of heart disease. He sold his business in Winston-Salem several years ago.

From the Hickory Daily Record, Monday, Dec. 19, 1921

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