
Thursday, December 16, 2021

Henry Everett's Store Burned, Dec. 16, 1921

Store Burned

The fire alarm was sounded at 2 o’clock yesterday morning and the company responded with unusual promptness and were very soon on the scene of the fire which proved to be the little store occupied by Henry Everett, colored, on the railroad near the power plant. The building was practically burned down before the alarm was given but the part that had not already been burned was quickly extinguished.

False Alarm

Wednesday morning about 11 o’clock some one called the fire department and said to send the fire truck in a hurry. The fire bell was rung and the number of the hose department were soon assembled and one truck was on the way. They had been informed that the fire was a tenant house on the lot of Mr. D. Peel and went there in double quick time. When they arrived there was no fire in sight but a man was coming out of the house with a coal stove and they out(?) from him that the fire had been in the stove but it was all out by the time so there was nothing left for them to do. The practice was good for the company in the case of the fire Thursday morning.

From the front page of The Enterprise, Williamston, N.C., Dec. 16, 1921

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