
Thursday, December 2, 2021

J.F. Hays Played Important Role In Developing Transylvania County, Dec. 2, 1921

The Death of J.F. Hays

Transylvania County feels deeply grieved over the death of J.F. Hays and can endorse with gratitude the following editorial taken from the Citizen:

No single individual has ever accomplished as much for the upbuilding of Transylvania county than J.F. Hays.

The sudden death yesterday of J.F. Hays ended a life unusually rich in achievements that contributed to the growth of Western North Carolina.

Mr. Hayes was one of the first to see the possibilities of the Brevard and Toxaway region and one of the far-seeing and tireless workers for its development. He told the story of that section’s resources and natural beauties so convincingly that capitalists from other States came there to join with the residents in constructive enterprises. To him is due the credit of building the Brevard Lake Toxaway Railroad, and the lake and tourist hotel were part of his vision. His home was in Brevard and he gave time and money to its upbuilding in hotels and industries. He was instrumental in the building of the Franklin at Brevard as well as of the hotels at Lake Toxaway, Sapphire and Fairfield.

Himself a mining engineer, he was among the first to discover the wealth of corundum and other minerals in these mountain counties, and he had large part in making this section known for its minerals.

Mr. Hays possessed a happy combination of imagination, technical training and executive ability. He made friends easily and kept them. He found joy in labors that promoted the common welfare. He will be remembered as one of the builders of Western North Carolina.

From The Brevard News, Friday, Dec. 2, 1921

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