
Wednesday, December 22, 2021

Letters to Santa from Donald, Matlee, Mary, Purnell, Leslie and Elizabeth, 1921

Charlotte, N.C.

302 N. McDowell St.

Dear Santa Claus--

I would like you to bring me a black board, and some chalk and some nice fruit. Please don’t forget my little brother, Bernard.



Matthews, N.C.

December 16, 1921

Dear Santa Claus--

I hope the snow will not be so deep that you can not stop by my house. I want you to please bring me some apples, oranges and candy and some nuts and sparklers and some fire crackers. Your little friend.



Charlotte, N.C.

December 18, 1921

Dear Santa Claus--

I am a little girl 10 years old in the six grade at school. Please bring me a pair of woolen socks, black and brown hair ribbon, one yard long, taffeta kind, bed room slippers, gloves and tinker toys, and a few other toys, some skyrockets, sparklers and fire crackers, some books, and games, nuts, fruit and candy, don’t forget my sisters, Cora and Willie. Your little friend.



Charlotte, N.C.

December 14, 1921

Dear Santa Claus--

I am a fine little boy. I go to Sunday school and day school. Please bring me a Kiddie Kar, an Alabama Coon Jigger and a Baloon and a great big horn, lots of fruit and nuts. Merry Christmas. Happy New Year. Your little friend.


E. 5th St., City


Charlotte, N.C.

Dear Santa--

I am ten years old. I want you to bring me a pair of skates and a foot ball.


415 N. Caldwell St.


Marshville, N.C.

December 17, 1921

Dear old Santa Claus--

I will write you a short letter to tell you what I want for Christmas. I am a little girl six years old, and I want you to bring me a baby carriage, and a robe, a pair of bed room slippers, a pair of kid gloves and a doll trunk. I want lots of candy, fruits, nuts and tangerines. I remain your little girl.


From The Charlotte News, Wednesday, Dec. 21, 1921

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