
Sunday, December 19, 2021

Liquor on Many Christmas Shopping Lists; Prices Up 50%, Dec. 19, 1921

Caldwell Officers Take Man at Still

Lenoir, Dec. 19—John summers was captured at a still and the plant destroyed by Deputies John Walsh and R.G. Thompson early Sunday morning near Kings Creek. The still was a copper outfit of 65 or 70 gallons capacity, and was in operation when the officers approached. Two men were at the still, but one succeeded in out-distancing the officers and made a get away. Fifteen big stands of beer and mash were destroyed and about two gallons of whiskey found and brought in.

The still was located a few miles from Kings Creek near the Grandid road. Summers was released on bond and will be given a preliminary hearing within the next few days.

There are other stills reported in operation in the county, and officers are on the look out for these plants. The coming Christmas season is increasing the demand, and unless the officers are very active it is predicted that a good supply will be made for this holiday season. The increasing demand for the season is causing an upward trend in price. The prevailing price hereabouts is reported at $8 to $10 during the past few months. Now it is reported the price is increasing to $12 to $15, and in some instances as high as $18 pr gallon. The latter price is for stuff of the highest quality and guaranteed to be made without the use of lye, carbolic acid or any other chemicals.

From the Hickory Daily Record, Monday, Dec. 19, 1921

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