
Sunday, December 26, 2021

Pritchard Home on Pine Street Burned Dec. 26, 1921

Mrs. T.W. Pritchard Loses Residence

The home of Mrs. Thomas W. Pritchard at 409 North Pine street was almost completely destroyed by fire Monday afternoon in the absence of the family. Mrs. Pritchard and her sons were away for the day, spending Christmas at the home of Mrs. Frank Herz in Dilworth.

Because there was no one in the house to give the alarm before the blaze made good headway, the fire was beyond control when discovered. Neighbors carried out the piano and a few other things after the firemen had held the nozzle of a hose line on the house for a few moments. Other furniture was badly damaged by fire and water, and the house itself was almost a total loss. Some insurance was carried, but not enough to cover the loss, it is said.

From the Charlotte News, Dec. 27, 1921

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