
Friday, December 17, 2021

R.L. Horton, Carl Harrington, H.C. Wilkerson Each Robbed Dec. 17, 1921

Raleigh Scene of Three Hold-Ups Thursday. . . Police Looking for Two Young Men in Ford Car Who Committed Crimes

Raleigh, Dec. 17—The police Friday morning had found no trace of two unidentified young men who held up and robbed at different times and places three well-known Raleigh citizens Thursday night on principal streets of the city. Those held up and robbed were R.L. Horton, member of the firm of Cross and Linehan Co., $3.50, check book and keys; Carl Harrington, 106 New Bern Ave., $20 and a good watch; and H.C. Wilkerson, a small gold watch of his wife’s which was returned to him.

The three hold-ups occurred within a space of two hours between 8:30 and 10:30 o’clock, according to reports to the police, and in each case two men who made the actual hold-ups were described as young and neatly dressed. A Ford drove slowly by the place where Carl Harrington was held-up and the two men who robbed left in the direction of the automobile. This circumstance has led the police to believe that a trio were working together with the aid of the car in traveling over the city.

R.L. Horton was held-up, knocked in the head with the butt end of a pistol, and robbed of $3.50 in cash, a check-book and a bunch of keys. The crime occurred on Hillsboro street near St. Mary’s School. He told the police that the two men approached him from behind and that he never saw them until he heard the command to “throw up your hands.” He grabbed one of the two pistols shoved in his face and then was struck on the head. After he fell to the ground from the force of the blow, the robbers riffled his pockets and then told him to “beat it.” This robbery took place about 8:45 while Mr. Horton was on his way home on Hillsboro Street to the business section of the city.

The second robbery reported to the police caught H.C. Wilkerson as the victim and it occurred about 10:10 o’clock at the intersection of Person street and Oakwood Ave. After holding him up with pistols, two men took his watch but returned it when he told them that the time-piece belonged to his wife. They failed to get any money from Mr. Wilkerson and appeared vexed because they found no cash.

Carl Harrington, the third victim, was robbed of $20 and a gold watch on New Bern Ave. Only a short distance from where he roomed at 106 New Bern Ave. The time was 10:20 o’clock while he was going home from Meredith College, where he had been to take music lessons.

From the Sun Journal, New Bern, N.C., Saturday, Dec. 17, 1921

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