
Sunday, December 12, 2021

Sam McDuffie Instantly Killed in Fall From Freight Train, Dec. 11, 1921

Negro Is Crushed by Fall From Train

Sam McDuffie, Charlotte negro, was instantly killed at 3 o’clock Sunday afternoon at the West Trade street crossing of the Southern tracks, near the passenger station. He fell from the top of a car of a freight train which was northbound. Some said he lost his balance and threw up this hand to steady himself as he was passing under the trolley wires that span the West Trade street crossing and that he fell under the train from this cause. His body was dragged a considerable distance and crushed beyond recognition. The train ran some distance before it was discovered the negro had fallen beneath the wheels.

McDuffie is said to have been from South Carolina but had been living and working here for some time for a man named Armstrong. He had written Mr. Armstrong while on a visit to South Carolina that he was coming back Monday and it is supposed he was taking a ride on the freight to save expenses. He was never employed by the Southern, it is said.

Coroner Hovis was notified of the accident, but will hold no inquest as the cause of death was obvious and was witnessed by several eye-witnesses.

From The Charlotte News, Monday, December 12, 1921

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