
Saturday, December 11, 2021

Society News From the Wilmington Morning Star, Dec. 11, 1921

Society News

By Miss Athalia Banting, Editor, Phone 61

Many friends in Wilmington will be sorry to hear that little Misses Betty and Dorothy Sparkes, daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Boyden Sparkes of New York city, are in quarantine for scarlet fever at their home, 518 West Eleventh street. Mrs. Cuthbert Martin, who is on a visit to her daughter, Mrs. Sparkes, will be detained on account of the illness of the children.

Mrs. O.P. Makepiece, who has been visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. B.F. King, at their home in Sunset Park, returned to Sanford yesterday.

Dr. J.E. Cathell will return today from South Boston, where he was called on account of the illness of his brother, who died Friday morning.

J. Lane of Petersburg is in Wilmington for a few days.

Dr. James Hall is spending several days in Baltimore.

B.F. Keith of Currie passed through the city yesterday on his return from Washington, where he had visited for a few days.

The Lydia Yates Bible class will hold its regular monthly meeting at 8 o’clock Tuesday evening, December 13, in the class room.

Little Miss Brown

Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Brown announce the birth of a daughter on December 9. The little girl will be christened Mary Josephine Deans in honor of her grandmother, Mrs. M.J. Corbett.

Sparkes-Gore Announcement

Of much interest in this city will be the announcement of the engagement of Miss Dorothy Sparkes of Chicago to Mr. Milton Burr Gore, well-known and popular former resident of Wilmington and a son of Mrs. Cuthbert Martin.

Miss Sparkes is the sister of Boyden Sparkes, Mrs. Martin’s son-in-law, who married Miss Bessie Gore.

Mr. Gore is manager of the Milwaukee branch of one of the largest motion picture concerns in this country, the Famous Players-Lasky corporation.

For His Wedding

Dr. Julian Moore left on the 7 o’clock train last night for Knoxville, Iowa. He goes on a very pleasant mission, as he and Miss Imogene Bellamy, daughter of Mrs. James Simpson Bellamy of Knoxville, will be married on Wednesday afternoon at 4:30 o’clock.

Owing to a recent bereavement in the bride’s family, the wedding will be a very quiet affair.

Upon their return to Wilmington shortly before Christmas Dr. And Mrs. Moore will have an apartment in the charming Harper house at 1 Church street.

During Dr. Moore’s absence his practice will be conducted by Dr. Houston Moore.

S.A.E. Annual Dance

At a special meeting of the Wilmington, N.C., Alumni association of the Sigma Alpha Epsilon Fraternity, it was decided that their annual dance would be given on the evening of December 27 at the Orton hotel.

Dancing will begin promptly at 9 and end at 3. The following ladies will serve as patronesses: Mesdames Thomas M. Green, Theo. G. Empire, Maraden Bellamy Jr., Charles E. Taylor Jr., Albert Sidney Williams, and Haywood Clark. Mr. Andrew H. Harriss Jr. will lead the dance, assisted by Mr. John D. Corbett and Mr. Charles Menefee.

This affair is expected to be one of the most elaborate functions of the holiday season.

Music will be furnished by the Grainger orchestra.

Miss Holmes Guest of Honor

Mrs. Robert Strange delightfully entertained Friday afternoon in honor of Miss Carolina Holmes, whose marriage to Dr. Byrd Hopkins of Bel Air, Md., will take place on the 27th of this month.

Bridge was played at three tables, the prize for the highest score, two decks of cards, being won by Miss Josie Wright. Miss Holmes was presented with a dainty box of face powder.

After the game the hostess served delicious chicken salad, beaten biscuits, crackers, olives, celery and coffee.

Mrs. Strange’s guests were the honoree, Miss Holmes, Mrs. Robert Slocum, Miss Nesfield Holmes, Mrs. Owen Holmes, Miss Josie Wright, Miss Adelaide Worth, Miss Lillian Solomon, Mrs. Ralph Soverell, Miss Florence LeGrand, Miss Ruth Pleasants and Mrs. Douglas Taylor.

For the World War Veterans

“Fifteen hundred Christmas socks are wanted for the men patients at Oteen and Kenilworth and for the 40 North Carolina men who are at the United States hospital in Greenville, S.C.,” states a letter to the Sorosis from Mrs. Isaac Hardeman Jr., chairman of the committee on friendly co-operation with the ex-service men. The local chapter has undertaken to fill the order and the socks.

Miss Pauline Williams will be at the Sorosis club house Thursday morning December 15, from 10 to 11 o’clock, to receive the socks, and she will pack the box for shipping. Miss Williams, of course, wants the socks to be delivered at that time, but as they are for such a worthy cause, she will receive them at other hours during the day at her home.

The members of Sorosis are willing and eager to fill as many socks as they can, but the members are few in comparison to the numbers needed and the time is very short, so they request that as many as possible will send socks filled with little things to bring joy to the sick soldiers for whom the war is not yet over.

Silver Wedding Day

Friends and relatives in Wilmington have received invitations reading as follows:

1896-1921—Dr. and Mrs. Charles Sidney Tate request the pleasure of your company at the 25th anniversary of their marriage on Friday evening, the 23rd of December, at 8 o’clock, Ramseur, N.C. Mary Ida Campbell, Charles Sidney Tate.

Miss Larkins Entertained at Shower

Miss Luralde Larkins was honoree at a most charming affair Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs. J.O. Carr, when she was entertained by Mrs. J.F. Roache and Miss Blanche Parsley. Miss Larkins will be married to Lynn Tillery on December 19th.

A most entertaining flower contest was enjoyed by the guests, the honor prize, a box of face powder, being presented to Miss Larkins. Miss Emma Tillery won the booby prize, an egg-beater.

After the contest Miss Larkins was given a clothes line on which were pinned many attractive gifts. The hostess then served delicious banana ice with whipped cream and dainty cakes iced in green.

The guests were Miss Larkins, Mrs. W.M. Parsley, Mrs. Ralph Soverel, Mrs. J.O. Carr, Mrs. Gilchrist McCormick, Mrs. J.D. Austin, Mrs. W.G. Whitehead, Miss Mary Vann, Miss Nellie Durham, Miss Gertrude Bell and Miss Emma Tillery.

Lovely Birthday Party

Miss Josephine von Specken was the delightful little hostess Tuesday afternoon in honor of her eighth birthday.

The decorations carried out the Christmas idea and many appropriate games were played.

The little guests were Misses Gene and Sarah Wheeler, Frances Lynch, Rosalie Hale, Emily Edwards, Elizabeth Mayland, Margaret Bellamy, Jennie Dunn, Mary Lee Mockerel, Elizabeth Farmer and Benjamine and Sam Adams, Jack Hutson, Malcolm Little Jr., Herbert Jones, Frank Abot and Frank von Specken Jr.

Mr. Hayden to Leave

His many friends will regret to learn that Harry Hayden, popular Star reporter, will leave soon for Greenville, N.C., where he has accepted a position as news editor of the Greenville News. Charles M. Brown, who was city editor of the Star for several months this year, is managing editor of the same paper.

From The Wilmington Morning Star, Dec. 11, 1921. The last name was spelled Soverell in one article and Soverel in a second; I don’t know which is correct.

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