
Saturday, December 25, 2021

Surprise! Daisy Griffin and Charles Turner Were Married August 7, 1921

Turner-Griffin Marriage

Announcement of a marriage that the contracting parties had kept secret from friends was made Friday afternoon by Mr. and Mrs. Charles Desser Turner, whose marriage occurred at the home of the bride in Mineral Springs Sunday, August 7th. They will be at home in Charlotte after January 1.

Mr. Turner has been living in Charlotte for some years and is traffic manager for the McClaren Rubbner Company. He is a native of Shelby.

Mrs. Turner is a native of Mineral Springs and was also employed here for seven or eight months at the McClaren Rubber Company, where the romance began that ended in her marriage to Mr. Turner.

The cards issued Friday read:

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Griffin announce the marriage of their daughter, Daisy, to Mr. Charles Desser Turner, on Sunday, August 7th, 1921, Mineral Springs, North Carolina.

At home after January 1st, Charlotte, N.C.

From The Charlotte News, Dec. 25, 1921

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