
Tuesday, December 14, 2021

Vaudeville Tonight, Music Tomorrow at Elks' Bazaar, Dec. 14, 1921

Vaudeville Will be a Big Feature

The Elks’ bazaar will open with a bang at the Blades garage tonight. One of the outstanding features will be the vaudeville acts put on by the best local talent in the city.

Tonight Mr. W.W. Osteen, who is well known here, will do a blackface act and monologue which from all accounts will be a stream. This with other attractions bids fair to make the evening one round of pleasure.

Tomorrow evening Miss Annie King Cook and the “Kiwanis Quartette” will be the main features. Other acts of similar nature will be announced later.

From the front page of The New Bern Sun Journal, Dec. 14, 1921

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