
Tuesday, December 28, 2021

Victoria Harper's Foot Smashed When 6-Year-Old Was Playing at Seaboard Air Line Railway Yards, Dec. 27, 1921

Negro Child’s Foot Smashed in Accident. . . Said to Have Been Playing Around Turntable

While playing around a turn table in the Seaboard Air Line railway yards early yesterday afternoon, Victoria Harper, a 6-year-old negro child, who is said to reside in MacRae alley, was in some inexplicable manner caught in the “table” and suffered fractures of the metatarsal bones in the left foot and severe laceration of the tendons in both feet.

She was taken immediately to the James Walker Memorial hospital where an operation was performed in which her injured extremities were sewed up and last night she was reported as resting as comfortably as could be expected. No other information as to how the accident occurred could be obtained last night.

From the Wilmington Morning Star, Wednesday, Dec. 28, 1921.

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