
Wednesday, January 19, 2022

Baptist Young People's Training School, Jan. 19, 1922

B.Y.P.U. Training School

Miss Elma Farabow, Junior Secretary of the state, and Mr. Perry Morgan, field secretary for the state, B.Y.P.U., were here last week and held a B.Y.P.U. training school at the Baptist church. Miss Farabow taught the Juniors and Mr. Morgan the Seniors. They had large classes every night and everyone seemed to be interested.

During the week the B.Y.P.U. was reorganized, all from nine to 12 years of age being in the Junior and all from 12 to 30 in the Senior.

The officers for the Senior Union are:

President, Miss Ruby Rhone

Vice President, Mr. Cree Hunter

Recording Secretary, Mr. Millard Whitehead

Corresponding Secretary, Miss Loraine Baugham

Treasurer, Miss Margaret Vann

Librarian, Miss Bernice Benthall

Organist, Miss Margaret Lassiter

Pastor, Rev. Jesse Blalock

Four group leaders, Misses Bruce Van, Pattie Perry, Lillian Vann and Alma Floyd.

The ladies served refreshments every night between classes.

On Friday night there was an examination given on the Manuals to all who wanted to take it. There was a large number to take it. The week proved to be very helpful, successful and enjoyable.

--Loraine Baugham, Corresponding Secretary

From the Roanoke-Chowan Times, Rich Square, N.C., Thursday, Jan. 19, 1922. If you are interested in learning more about the Baptist Young People’s Union, a 1921 issue of the manual referred to in the article is online in Google Books,

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