
Sunday, January 23, 2022

Carl Smith Bound, Gagged, Left to Burn to Death, Jan. 23, 1922

Bound and Gagged and Left to Burn

Salisbury, Jan. 23—It was a blood-curdling tale Carl Smith told people when the found him worming his way towards the front door of his restaurant on East Council street at 2 o’clock Sunday morning after some one passing had been attracted by smoke boiling out of the front of the building.

Smith was bound hand and foot, his hands being tied behind him, and he was gagged with a cloth tied about his face. As he was preparing to close his restaurant, Smith said, four men entered and assaulted him. After ting him up they opened the money drawer, getting about $28. They then kicked the stove over and threw kerosene about on the floor and went away, leaving him to burn up. Smith was laboriously and slowly making his way towards the front door when a passerby rescued him and turned in the fire alarm. Firemen extinguished the blaze before it had done much damage.

Smith was unable to give the officers a good description of the men, and no arrests have been made.

From The Hickory Daily Record, Jan. 23, 1922

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