
Sunday, January 23, 2022

Catawba Poultry Competing on World Stage, Jan. 23, 1922

Catawba Birds Off for New York

Newton, Jan. 23—Catawba Poultry Club exhibit left this morning for New York city, where the birds will be placed on exhibition in Madison Square Garden at the world’s poultry show. The show will open on January 24, closing on the 28th. This exhibit is made up of high class birds, all of which have won a reputation all over the state of North Carolina as being birds of exceptional high quality. Some of these birds won as high as $25 in premiums at the various fairs, where they were shown last fall. Realizing the fact that these birds will be shown in classes ranging from 50 to 75 birds in each class will speak well for Catawba birds if they even receive a placing, and too, they will have the keenest competitions which not only the United States can furnish but foreign countries also.

County Agent J.W. Hendricks left this morning for Raleigh where he will attend the conference of the county agents of the state. Mr. Hendricks has spent a great deal of time in selecting and fitting the birds for the New York show. He tells your correspondent that it requires as much work to fit up an exhibit of poultry as it does any other line of live stock. You may have the quality in the birds yet if they are not properly conditioned, they will not show up in the eyes of the judges for their full value. These birds are all of standard weight, one bird weighing one pound more than the standard calls for.

From The Hickory Daily Record, Jan. 23, 1922

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