
Saturday, January 15, 2022

College Boys to Speak to Students at the "Y," Jan. 15, 1922

College Students to Speak to Boys

Perrin Higgins and Ted Jones, Davidson college students, will be the speakers at the boys meeting at the “Y” Sunday afternoon at 3:30 o’clock.

Mr. Huggins is one of the most enthusiastic members of the group of students at Davidson, who make a practice of going out Sundays to address boys meetings in surrounding cities. Mr. Jones, in addition to being a fine speaker, is a signer of ability. He will sing as well as talk at the Sunday meeting here.

The committee in charge of the meeting extends an invitation to all boys n the high school and preparatory schools in the city.

From The Charlotte News, Sunday, January 15, 1922. The newspaper spelled Perrin’s last name Higgins on first reference and Huggins on second reference. I don’t know which is correct.

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