
Thursday, January 6, 2022

Forbes and Riggs Expand Their Auto Supply Business, Jan. 6, 1922

Two Camden County Boys Making Good. . . Auto Supply & Vulcanizing Co. Opens a New Store Featuring Batteries and Repairs

The opening of a new store by the Auto Supply & Vulcanizing Co. of this city this week shows show by hard work and courteous treatment of the public a pair of young men with no particular business or educational qualifications and with little cash have made good in business in Elizabeth City. Ray K. Forbes (still known as Old Trap) and W.S. Riggs, two Camden County boys, started a vulcanizing business here in a small way in the summer of 1915. The business grew from the start and in another year they located in the stand at the corner of Water and Matthews streets, where they put in a complete line of automobile tires and tubes, and automobile accessories, in addition to their vulcanizing business.

This week the Auto Supply & Vulcanizing Co. has opened a new store in the City Garage, corner of McMorrine and Matthews streets. In their new store they will carry a full line of supplies and accessories, specializing on Vesta Storage Batteries and battery repair work. With two stores located on two of the best corners in the down town business section, one making a specialty of batteries and battery repairs; the other making a specialty of tires and vulcanizing; both carrying a full line of accessories and supplies, the Auto Supply & Vulcanizing Co. starts the new year with great expectations and deserves the patronage and support it will undoubtedly continue to get.

From the editorial page of The Independent, Elizabeth City, N.C., Friday, January 6, 1922

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