
Monday, January 31, 2022

Landslide Catches Passenger Train and Injuries 19, Jan. 31, 1922

Train Crashes Into a Mountain of Dirt. . . 19 Persons Slightly Hurt in Wreck on Southern Near Asheville

Asheville, Jan. 28—Eighteen passengers and Conductor Jas. Richard were slightly injured today when Southern Railway passenger train No. 20 crashed into a mountain of dirt and rock which fell on to the track a short distance west of Nolan.

Engineer F.W. Poindexter, driving the engine around a sharp curve, saw the slide coming and throwing on the emergency brake, he and Fireman Frank Pennington jumped to safety just before the pilot of the engine jammed into hundreds of tons of dirt that came crashing down the mountain side, covering the railroad track and the public highway for a considerable distance.

From The Smithfield Herald, Jan. 31, 1922

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