
Monday, January 24, 2022

Mrs. J.B. Craven Hurt When Car Flips, Jan. 24, 1922

Mrs. J.B. Craven Is Hurt in Accident on Charlotte Road. . . Car in Which Whole Family Were Riding Turned Over and Mrs. Craven’s Arm Is Broken and She is Severely Cut Across the Forehead

Mrs. J. B. Craven, wife of Presiding Elder Craven, was severely hurt in an automobile accident yesterday morning on the Charlotte road while returning from Monroe to Charlotte with her husband and children. Her arm is broken near the shoulder and a six-inch gash across the forehead to the bone. She is in a Charlotte hospital. Neither Mr. Craven nor the two children were hurt.

The accident occurred at 9:30 Monday morning about one mile beyond Matthews. Mr. Craven was driving a Ford sedan. He reached out his hand to pull the lap robe up on one of the children and the slight diversion of his attention from the steering wheel allowed the car to slip over the embankment. Mrs. Craven was on the rear seat and when the car turned over she was thrown against the glass of the side. The embankment was not steep and the car turned only half over.

A moment after the accident Messrs. Brook Myers and Frank Porter, on the way to Charlotte, arrived. Mr. Craven had just gotten out of the overturned car and was getting the children out. The wound on Mrs. Craven’s forehead was gushing blood fearfully and there was no way of knowing how badly she was hurt. The first thought was for a doctor and Mr. Porter jumped into a car and rushed back to Matthews. The doctor he summoned was so slow in getting started that Mrs. Craven was put in a car which had driven up about the same time and rushed to the Charlotte hospital.

As stated above, the cut is six inches long and to the bone. Physicians said that had it been an inch lower both eyes would have been blinded. The arm was found to be broken near the shoulder and in additional one ear was injured. However, the extent of this injury has not yet been ascertained as it cannot be known whether the hearing is affected or not. She will be in the hospital a week if the wounds hear satisfactorily. A phone message this morning to Mrs. A.M. Secrest stated that Mrs. Craven was doing well. The family had been spending the week-end with Mrs. Secrest, a sister of Mrs. Craven. Mr. Craven was running slowly, not over 16 miles an hour, he thinks.

As is very well known, Mrs. Craven is a native of Monroe, having been Miss Kate Covington. The two children are four and 10 years of age.

From The Monroe Journal, Tuesday, Jan. 24, 1922

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