
Friday, January 14, 2022

Mrs. Pearson Found Dead in Front Yard, Apparently Shot to Death by Her Husband, Jan. 14, 1922

Negro Woman Was Killed a Week Ago

Sheriff Howard received an anonymous letter from some one in the Wilbanks section late yesterday saying that a negro named Miles Pearson, who lives in the woods about a mile from the road, near Wilbanks, had killed his wife and that she was lying in the yard of the home and that Pearson had fled.

Sheriff Howard accompanied by deputies Pearson, Mercer, and Kost repaired to the place last night and saw a gruesome sight. The woman was lying in the yard, and her face and the upper part of her body had been devoured by animals. A coroner’s inquest is being held. From best information the murder was committed about a week ago, and the murderer has left for parts unknown. The negro moved to the house only a short while back. The land on which he lived is owned by Messrs. Barker and Popkin of this city. The jury of inquest, which was empaneled by acting Coroner Jules Hardy after viewing the body, reserved their verdict awaiting more evidence. An examination of the body disclosed that the woman had been shot through the heart and that according to the letter received by Sheriff Howard the murder occurred Thursday a week ago.

In the yard was a cow tied to a post which had not been fed and watered since the killing, and in a stable were a horse and mule nearly famished for water and food. The land is owned by Messrs. Morris Barker and Mr. Popkin of this city, and is a clearing of five acres in a large body of woodland. The negro moved to the place which he rented on shares just before Christmas. He was to furnish team, and the stock belonged to him.

Last year the couple lived at the county home where the man was employed on the farm.

Members of the cororner’s jury were Messrs. C.P. Farmer, Lonnie Petway, S.L. Moore, D.R. Olive, F.E. Gardner and H.F. Barnes.

From the front page of The Daily Times, Wilson, N.C., January 14, 1922

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