
Monday, January 10, 2022

News From Banner's Capital, Jan. 10, 1922

News Notes From Banner’s Capital. . . A Double Marriage Takes Place; Mr. Neill Stewart Dead; Personals

Benson, Jan. 7—Master Jno. Lassiter and little Miss Ruth Lassiter have returned from a visit to their grandparents near Clayton.

There has been quite a number of bad colds and light cases of grippe around here. Mr. M.T. Britt was one of the number confined to his home for several days.

Mrs. Swannie Tart of Smithfield spent the holidays here with friends.

Miss Clara McLeod has returned after spending a few days with relatives near Jonesboro and Sanford.

Mr. Neill Stewart who lived near Benson died Monday and was buried at the Stewart family burying ground Tuesday afternoon. A large crowd attended the funeral. He was an uncle of our well-known citizen, Mr. H.B. Stewart.

The Woman’s Missionary Society of the Baptist church have been observing “Week of Prayer” this week. Mr. J.R. Harbour returned Tuesday from a business trip to Charleston, S.C.

Mr. Charles Creech of Wilson spent the week end here with his family.

The friends of Dr. and Mrs. W.T. Martin will be sorry to learn that their baby has been and is still quite sick.

Mrs. E.H. Evans of Franklinton is visiting Mrs. W.W. Hockaday.

Miss Vallie Hill returned Monday night from Washington where she had spent the holidays with her sister.

Miss Jessie Godfrey of Jonesboro spent the week end here with Miss Clara Woodall. Miss Woodall left for Raleigh Wednesday to resume her studies at Peace Institute.

Mr. Alton Hall of the Law Class at Wake Forest spent the holidays here with his parents.

Miss Julia Cannaday returned Wednesday of this week to Asheville where she is teaching in the graded schools.

Mr. Cole, who has held a position for some time with Mr. Preston Woodall, has accepted a position elsewhere. He left last week.

Miss Mozelle Markham of Raleigh visited friends in town recently.

Miss Lucile Lee who has been teaching in the western part of the State for the past six months has returned home.

The ladies of the Benson Presbyterian church held their regular auxiliary meeting on Tuesday afternoon, January 3rd, at the Manse. The auxiliary was called to order and opened with prayer by the president. After the roll call, minutes read and business transacted a very interesting program was enjoyed by all.

A double marriage took place here in the Presbyterian church on Christmas day when Mr. Hallie Stephenson and Miss Jessie Turlington, and Mr. Clarence Grimes and Miss Irene Ennis were married by Rev. A.T. Lassiter in the presence of the entire congregation immediately after the morning service. Mr. Stephenson is well known here where he held a position before going to France. Miss Turlington is a granddaughter of Mr. James Turlington, a prominent farmer near Benson. Mr. Grimes is a progressive young farmer who lives near here and his bride is also well known here where she has visited and has a host of friends. We wish for these two couples all the happiness and long and useful lives.

From the front page of The Smithfield Herald, Jan. 10, 1922

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