
Wednesday, January 19, 2022

News From Galatia, Pleasant Hill, Potecasi and Conway, Jan. 19, 1922

Galatia News

Mr. and Mrs. David Maddrey returned to their home in Raleigh last week after spending some time with Mrs. Maddrey’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.L. Parker.

Miss Josephine Hill was a visitor in Margarettsville Saturday and Sunday.

Miss Ruby McDaniel and Mr. L.E. Liverman spent several nights last week at their homes in Milwaukee.

Mrs. S.G. Hinson left Wednesday for Rocky Mount to be at the bedside of her mother, Mrs. White, who is very ill.

Miss Essie Edwards of Conway is spending some time in the home of her brother, Mr. J.B. Edwards.

Messrs. L.W. Piland, Gilbert Davis and Ralph Woodard were in Weldon Thursday on business.

Mrs. W.J. Blythe spent Friday in Conway, the guest of her daughter, Mrs. D.R. Davis.

Mr. A.K. Britton motored to Petersburg Sunday, returning Sunday night. He was accompanied home by Mrs. Guy Britton and little daughter, Lois Lee.

Mr. L.W. Piland attended quarterly meeting at Severn Saturday.

Mr. and Mrs. John White and Miss Bernice Atkinson of Conway were visitors in the home of Mr. A.J. Britton Sunday.

A large crowd attended the prayer service at the church Sunday night. This was the first prayer service held this year and the interest manifested by both young and old gives promise to many helpful services during the year.

On Friday night, Jan. 27th, there will be a play, “My Irish Rose,” in the Galatia school auditorium. It is just the play you have been waiting to see, Irish all the way through. Come and bring your friends.


Pleasant Hill News

Foster Vassar had the misfortune to get one of his fingers cut off at a saw mill a few days ago.

Mrs. Edd Stephensen of Seaboard spent Saturday night and Sunday with her mother, Mrs. G.R. Vassar.

Hettie Rawlings spent Saturday night and Sunday with Mabel and Christine Alston.

Mr. Jesse Massie of Emphoria visited his mother, Mrs. J.W. Magee, Sunday.

A colored tramp set fire to a box car on the A.C.L. siding here last Tuesday night and was given a hearing in magistrate’s court and sent to Jackson jail to await the regular term of court.

Miss Alice Pritchette has returned from a visit to friends near Gumberry.

Mr. J.C. Robinson of Lawrenceville spent the week-end here with his family.

Miss Aubrey Crew attended the teacher’s meeting at Garysburg Saturday.

Our oldest citizen, Mr. G.W. Geary, is in very feeble health. He has passed his 87th mile post.

Mr. Charlie Males is very ill with pneumonia in his home here.

Mr. Joe Jasper has gone to Jarretts to relieve the section master for a few days.

Miss Nannie Massie and Mrs. Leary Kee were very quietly married at Spring Church by Rev. J.B. O’Briant on the afternoon of January 11th. Their many friends wish for them a life of joy and happiness. They will make their home near Gumberry.

There will be an oyster supper at the school house next Saturday night, January 21. All are cordially invited. For the benefit of the church.


Potecasi News

Mr. J.R. Baugham is spending some time at LaGrange with his daughter, Mrs. Gray.

Mr. J.E. Draper and family attended services at New Home Sunday morning.

Mr. J.T. Capel of Gumberry spent Saturday night and Sunday with his daughter, Mrs. W.H. Beale.

Messrs. Ernest Macon and Craig Revelle of Holly Grove were callers in town Sunday evening.

Dr. G.N. Harrell of Murfreesboro and Mr. and Mrs. E.C. Parker of Menola spent last Tuesday in the home of Mr. A.J. Harrell. Mr. Ronald Chappell of Rich Square was a visitor at Mr. S.N. Parker’s Sunday morning.

On next Friday evening, Jan. 20th, at 7:30 o’clock, the high school pupils will present two very enjoyable plays, “Not a Man in the House,” and “The Darky Wood Dealer.” Come everybody and enjoy an evening of fun. Refreshments will be served.


Conway Locals

Mr. Claud Atkinson left last week for Richmond, where he has accepted a position as barber.

Mrs. E.L. Morgan and son Carl spent Saturday and Sunday with her mother near Galatia.

Mr. and Mrs. Roger Joyner spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Woodard of Pendleton.

Mr. and Mrs. J.M. White and Miss Bernice Atkinson spent Sunday afternoon in the home of Mr. A.J. Britton, Galatia.

Mrs. C.W. Traylor and children of Norlina are spending a few days with her sister, Mrs. Noah Burgess.

Miss Pattie Nixon of Edenton spent a few days the past week with her sister, Mrs. P.C. Brittle.

Miss Martha Vinson of Como spent the week-end with her sister, Mrs. Raymond Davis.

Mrs. W.F. DeLoatche returned Thursday night after spending a few weeks with her mother, Mrs. Morriss of Hudgins, Va.

Misses Grace Pierce and Olivia Bridgers spent the week-end at their homes, Murfreesboro and Potecasi.

Messrs. Hoover, Bunch and Howell spent Sunday afternoon in Rosemary.

Misses Gertie, Cornelia and Annie Ray Beale and Messrs. Willie Brown and Bob Beale of Potecasi visited in town a short while Sunday afternoon.

The Music Class of Conway High School organized a Music Study Club last Friday. The following officers were elected: Mamie Bridgers, President; Frances Flythe, Secretary; Frances Freeman, Treasurer. The class meets twice each week.

There was a reception given in the home of Dr. P.C. Brittle Monday night, Jan. 9, in honor of her brother and his bride, Dr. and Mrs. E.P. Nixon, who were married December 31, 1921.

From the Roanoke-Chowan Times, Rich Square, N.C., Thursday, Jan. 19, 1922. Dr. and Mrs. Nixon (last items above) were mentioned in two articles on the page. In one reference, they were referred to as Dr. and Mrs. E.P. Nixon and in the other they were Dr. and Mrs. H.E. Nixon. I don’t know which is correct.

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