
Friday, January 7, 2022

Sheriff Looking for Ernest Harrington Who Shot Up McFadyen Car, Jan. 7, 1921

Seek Negro Who Shot Woman From Abuscade

Fayetteville, Jan. 6—Sheriff’s posses are today searching for Ernest Harrington, negro, suspected of firing from ambush on an automobile occupied by Mr. and Mrs. John S. McFadyen of Raeford, last night while Mr. McFadyen was driving to this city. Mrs. McFayden was wounded in the face, but her wounds are not thought to be serious. The car was completely riddled with shot.

The shooting occurred about 12 miles from this city on the Raeford road. Sheriff N.H. McGeachy was summoned by telephone, and obtaining bloodhounds from Raeford, trailed the assailant to a negro house in the neighborhood. The house was surrounded, but before it could be entered Harrington, clad in his underclothes, leaped from a window on a side of the house guarded by an unarmed civilian member of the posse and escaped to the woods nearby. His gun and shoes were found in the house. Bloodhounds were not used in the hunt today as the sheriff and his officers now the negro and are confident of capturing him.

The house to which the dogs followed the trail is that of Harrington’s mother and is about a mile from the Currie home, near the scene of the shooting.

From The Wilmington Morning Star, Saturday, January 7, 1922

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