
Wednesday, February 2, 2022

Beautiful Home of J.D. Ledbetter, Feb. 2, 1922

Home of Mr. J.D. Ledbetter

A beautiful and artistically attractive home that compels the notice of every one passing by is that of Mr. J.D. Ledbetter on the highway between Forest city and Rutherfordton. It is said to be the finest home in the county. It has all modern conveniences and the grounds would make a modern landscape artist turn green with envy. It is just recently that Mr. Ledbetter has made a contract with the city to have an electric light wire run out to his home. Mr. and Mrs. Ledbetter naturally take a great interest and justifiable pride in their home, which is not only a credit to them, but to the county at large.

There is nothing sweeter in life than a real home, and it takes more than outward splendor to make it just what it should be. More splendid than their palatial residence is the real inner home life of this lovable couple, whose influence reaches out and embraces their circle of friends and acquaintances, all of whom rejoice over their success and prosperity.

From the front page of the Forest City Courier, Feb. 2, 1922

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