
Tuesday, February 22, 2022

T.E. Latham, DeWitt Reynolds Charged with Assault for Insulting Mrs. R.L. Kirkman and Mrs. Elmer Pickard, Feb. 20, 1022

Young Men Accused of Insulting Two Women

T.E. Latham and DeWitt Reynolds, young men of this city, were arrested Sunday night on a technical charge of assault against Mrs. R.L. Kirkman and Mrs. Elmer Pickard. The young women charge that the men insulted they by asking them to take an automobile ride. The men admit that they spoke to the young women but said that they thought they recognized a friend and apologized when they found otherwise. The women said that the men followed them for about two blocks until they reached their home on East Gaston street. When Mr. Kirkman came out to investigate, the men then driving off, being later arrested on Greene street. They were put under $500 bond each.

From The Greensboro Patriot, Monday, February 20, 1922. Published every Monday and Thursday.

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