
Tuesday, February 22, 2022

Civil Suits in Greensboro Court, Feb. 20, 1922

Court Case Drags Over Two Days to Try $806 Case—Term Continues

A verdict of $806 was returned in Guilford Superior court Saturday afternoon against J.T. Jobe in favor of the Crowell motor company of Charlotte. The case occupied over two days. Breach of contract in the purchase of an automobile was charged.

The case of Miss Lucy Austin against O.M. Hunt for $15,000 damages for injuries alleged to have been received by being struck with his automobile, was continued on account of illness of a witness.

The $100,000 damage suit of Dr. G.W. Norman against R.B. Boren was expected to be begun this afternoon. The plaintiff charges improper relations between his wife and Mr. Boren.

The Summit Avenue Building company was refused the $6,000 that it asked a jury to make J.P. Sanders and W.P. Hockett pay it as damages in connection with the failure to build the General Greene hotel. The verdict was reached Thursday. The plaintiffs claimed breach of contract, charging that the defendants leased a lot at the corner of Greene and Washington streets in Greensboro from them, to pay $8,000 a year for the lot, and that a note for $6,000 was given. The defendants contended that it was only a 10-day contract.

From The Greensboro Patriot, Monday, February 20, 1922. Published every Monday and Thursday.

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