
Sunday, February 20, 2022

Greensboro Bank and Trust Co. Plans Renovations, Feb. 20, 1922

Bank Building to be Improved Very Much

Wednesday the Greensboro Bank and Trust company will begin the work of renovating the interior of the building. About $5,000 will be expended in enlargement and improvement of the bank’s quarters.

An additional space for a lobby will e provided by abolishing the vestibule, giving about 120 more square feet for lobby room. The entrance to the upper floors will e directly from the street instead of through the vestibule. The stairway will be constructed of granite.

Big improvements will be made in the interior arrangements. The woodwork and walls of the building will be repainted.

From The Greensboro Patriot, Monday, February 20, 1922. Published every Monday and Thursday.

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