
Monday, February 21, 2022

Hadley, Peoples, Bryant, Iceman Killed in Collision with Locomotive, Feb. 20, 1922

Killed by Train. . . Three Killed Outright at Durham—Three Others Injured

Durham, Feb. 17—Three boys were killed and three others injured when the automobile in which they were riding was struck by a switch engine at a crossing in the eastern part of the city about 4 o’clock this morning. With the exception of the driver of the car, who was killed, all were students at the University of North Carolina. Those killed were:

George Hadley, Mount Airy.

George Torry Peoples, Townsville, Va.

T.H. Bryant, Chapel Hill, chauffeur.

The injured were:

Charles Iceman, Monroe, fractured skull.

P. Boney, Goldsboro, dislocated elbow.

J.C. Spach, Winston-Salem, scalp wound.

Iceman died a little after noon Friday.

The six youths were returning to Chapel Hill for (from?) Raleigh, where they had attended a dance last night, when the accident occurred. Spach, who was not badly injured, told hospital authorities that he believed all the boys were asleep except the driver when the engine struck the car.

From The Greensboro Patriot, Monday, February 20, 1922. Published every Monday and Thursday.

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