
Thursday, February 24, 2022

Hamrick and Thompson Deaths, Other Rutherford County News, Feb. 23, 1922

News Notes From Over the County

“The Average Man”

A most enjoyable play was given at Ellenboro last Saturday evening, entitled, “The Average Man.” A large crowd was present to enjoy the exercises. Among the well known young folk to take part were Misses Bess Freeman, Cora Lee Dalton, Corine Bridges, Edna Scoggan, Gladys Martin, Ida Green; Messrs. Glenn Bridges, Ewart Burns, Ennis Connor, Levi Burns, Arthur Green and Gail Hamrick.


Death of Mrs. James Milliard

When relatives found Mrs. James Millard dead in her bed at her home on Rutherfordton route 1, she had her Bible by her side. She had been ill for some time, but was not thought to be serious. She was a good woman and will be sadly missed in the community. The burial took place at Pleasant Hill.

[The paper spelled her last name Milliard in the headline and Millard in the article. I don’t know which is correct.]


80th Anniversary

A number of friends and relatives met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. B.B. Smart, Route 3, Bostic, on Feb. 12 to celebrate the 80th birthday anniversary of “Aunt” Emmeline Smart. The occasion was very much enjoyed by all.


Move to Padgett Farm

Mr. G.W. Martin and family, of the Maiden section, have moved to the Marvin Padgett farm, near Bostic, and received a warm welcome in their new home.


Barber Shop at Bostic

Mr. Brice Nash of Marshville, who opened a new barber shop at Bostic recently, is meeting with success in his new home.


Met With Mrs. Price

The ladies’ demonstration club and the girls’ canning club met at the home of Mrs. A.B. Price on Feb. 8th. Miss Eva Logan demonstrated the Parker House rolls. A large number were present and it is hoped to continue the meetings.


Pie Supper

A goodly number attended the pie supper at Mt. Pleasant last Saturday night, and all report a good time.


A Fine Boy

Born, to the wife of Mr. Anderson Smart, Route 2, Union Mills, a fine boy.


Death of Mrs. Hamrick

Writing from Ellenboro, Route 2, a correspondent says:

The death angel visited the home of Mr. J.C. Bailey and carried away Mrs. Elizabeth Hamrick, Mrs. Bailey’s mother, aged 80 years. She was taken sick with pneumonia and paralysis. She leaves to mourn their loss, four children, Mrs. J.C. Bailey, Mrs. Ed Moore, Mrs. Lee Butler and Mr. C.G. Hamrick. She was laid to rest in the cemetery at Beaverdam.


Death of Miss Thompson

Miss Gertrude Thompson died Thursday, Feb. 9, of pneumonia, after an illness of some time. She made her home with Dr. Ben Thompson, Bostic, Route 2, her brother. She was the oldest child, being 67 years old. Her funeral was held at Brittain church, Rev. Parker Holmes being in charge, assisted by Rev. J.F. McKimmon of Westminster. A large crowd attended which showed the high esteem in which she was held. Miss Thompson was a faithful member of the Methodist church for more than 40 years. She was loved by a large circle of friends. Deceased is survived by one sister, Mrs. G.W. Long, and three brothers, Drs. W.A. and Ben Thompson, and Mr. Ed Thompson.


Caroleen Notes

A Caroleen correspondent writes:

Mrs. M.A. Higgins was on the Northern market last week, where she went to purchase a new line for millinery and ladies’ dress wear.

Mr. R.F. Edwards, Masonic grand lecturer, was here and at Henrietta this and last week.

Mr. Walda Lynch was moved into his new home in Forest City. Mr. Urcilla Lynch has moved into the house vacated by Mr. Walda Lynch.

Profs. W.B. Blanton and W.E. Owens conducted a song service at the Southern church, Ruth, Sunday. It is the purpose of these worthy musicians to increase the interest of music as much as possible in our churches.



Rutherfordton, Feb. 18—Mrs. E.F. Cobb entertained Tuesday afternoon from 3 to 6 o’clock at her lovely home in Spindale. The house was beautifully decorated for St. Valentine’s Day. The favor consisted of red hearts shaped boxes filled with mints. Progressive bridge was played at four tables. Misses Annette Revely and Etna Geer held the highest score. At the conclusion of the game a delicious salad course was served. Those invited were Misses Annette Revely, Eva Logan, Louisa Justice, Etna Geer, Annie Dickerson, Ruby Hicks, Leila Crow, Millie Carpenter, Margaret and Mary Willie Tate Peeler and Pearl Harrelson; Mesdames S.E. Elmore, T.F. Cates, Linwood Robinson, Lollie Revely, E.W. Justice, Moran and James Holland of Mt. Holly, N.C. The evening was most delightfully spent.

The Presbyterian Pilathea class met Tuesday night with Mrs. Claude D. Miller in their monthly meeting. The president, Mrs. Charles Moore, called the meeting to order. The Philathea Hymn was sung and sentence prayers were uttered. After the business a delicious salad course was served to the following members: Mesdames Charles H. Moore, E.W. Justice, L.D. Miller, Harvey Carpenter, N.C. Harris, W.C. Twitty, J.L. Robinson and Misses Theo Twitty , Ellen Erwin, Ruby Hicks, Rev. J.C. Grier and Mr. O.C. Erwin.

The Seniors of the Rutherfordton High school entertained the faculty Tuesday afternoon in their class room. It was charmingly decorated with hearts and other symbols of St. Valentine. The prize, a box of candy, was presented to Miss Gertrude Taylor for composing the cutest and most original Valentine toast to the seniors. After the games delicious refreshments were served by three members of the class of ’22. Those present were: Prof. and Mrs. John O. Wood, Misses Louisa Justice, Ruth Green and Gertrude Taylor, guests of honor and the senior class, Misses Lannie Dickerson, Martin Dobbins, Ethel McFarland, Elizabeth Tanner, Gladys Waldrop, Ruth Scrubbs, Lillian Waters, Emma Young and Winifred Mode; Misses Andrew Harrill, Garland Cline, William Carpenter and James Justice.

B.C. Toms and son, B.C. Jr., returned home in Salisbury Monday after a 10 days’ visit to Mr. Toms’ mother here, Mrs. M.C. Toms.

From the Forest City Courier, Feb. 23, 1922

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