
Tuesday, February 1, 2022

Henry Shelton, Child of Mr. and Mrs. J.D. Jacobs Have Died, Feb. 1, 1922

Henry W. Shelton Died Sunday. . .Passing of Prominent Citizen of Snow Creek Township in Sandy Ridge Section

Mr. Henry W. Shelton died at his home near Sandy Ridge in Snow Creek township Sunday, after an illness of only a few days with an intestinal obstruction. Mr. Shelton was aged about 70 years. He was a prominent and highly respected citizen of his section of the country.

The deceased is survived by his wife and three children, as follows: Arthur, Grover and William Jeff Shelton. The interment was held on Monday afternoon at the home graveyard.


Little Child Burned to Death Sunday

The Reidsville Review of this week states that the 1-year-old child of Mr. and Mrs. J.D. Jacobs of Reidsville received burns Sunday morning from which it died Monday. Mrs. Jacobs had gone into the kitchen of her home for a moment when the little fellow got up from his bed and went to the fire to warm. In some manner his night gown caught fire and hearing his screams she rushed to the room to find the child enveloped in flames. The mother removed her sweater and smothered the fire but not until two-thirds of the little body had been charred.

From the front page of The Danbury Reporter, Wednesday, Feb. 1, 1922.

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