
Thursday, February 24, 2022

Home Demonstration Agent Ola Wells Helping Guilford Residents Raising Chickens, Feb. 20, 1922

Home Demonstration

Plans are being made for poultry work at the office of the home demonstrator, the work to be started soon. Every boy or girl in Guilford County who wishes to join a poultry club should send his or her name to the home demonstrator, Mrs. Ola S. Wells, Courthouse, Greensboro, N.C., and they will be assisted in their work.

Mrs. Wells also invites every teacher who wishes to start a poultry club at her school to get in touch with her. She is anxious that many of the boys and girls take up or continue poultry work. Sooon after she gets through with the milk campaign being carried on throughout this week in Greensboro, she will actively take up the poultry work.

Mrs. Hen Particular

Now is the time to get the hen laying. Proper food and proper housing are necessary. Mrs. Hen is a very sensitive person and she must be treated right. If she is cold or if the water trips on her at night, she refuses to lay. Some poultrymen go so far as to say that if she gets her feet too wet she decides not to lay that day. A tree is no place for her to have to snooze at night. Comfortable quarters must be provided.

The houses must be dry, well ventilated, free from drafts, with plenty of sunshine and room enough for the birds to move about with freedom and comfort.

Protect the eggs! That is what is necessary if the hen is to be profitable instead of an expense.

The following are good grain mixtures for the laying stock, the proportions being by weight.

Ration 1—Equal parts of cracked corn, wheat and oats.

Ration 2—Three parts cracked corn, two parts oats, one part wheat.

Ration 3—Two parts cracked corn, one part oats.

A choice of any one of these rations should be scattered in the litter twice daily, morning and evening.

Either of the following dry mash mixtures should be fed in a dry mash hopper, allowing the fowls to have access to it at all times.

Mash No. 1—Two parts corn meal, one part bran, one part middlings (words obscured); part beef scrap.

Mash No. 2—Three parts corn meal one part beef scrap.

When fowls do not have access to natural green feed, sprouted oats, cabbages, mangels, cut clover, etc., should be fed. When wet mashes are fed, be sure that they are crumbly and not sticky.

Plenty of exercise increases the egg yield.

Fresh, clean drinking water should always be provided. Charcoal, grit and oyster shell should be placed before the fowls so that they can have access to them all the time.

From The Greensboro Patriot, Monday, February 20, 1922. The photo is not an historic photo from a Guilford County farm; it's being used ato illustrate the article.

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