
Wednesday, February 9, 2022

Local News From Williston, Wire Grass, Davis, Core Creek, Beaufort, Feb. 9, 1922

Williston News

Reverend Shamburger preached for us Friday night; quite a crowd attended.

Miss Marie Willis, who is teaching at Harkers Island, spent the week-end with her mother, Mrs. Olive Willis.

Mr. Chancy Willis, who is employed in Norfolk, spent the week-end with his family.

Mr. Carlyle Willis motored to Beaufort Saturday on business, accompanied by Messrs. Irvin, Alonzo Willis, Eldon Fulcher and Harold Taylor.

There was a festival given at the school building Saturday night. A large crowd attended and every one reported a good time.

Miss Edna Willis returned to her home Sunday after spending several days with Dora Fulcher.

There is much sickness in our neighborhood. Hope it will soon die out.

Misses Lillie Piner, Marie Willis, Oliver Chadwick and Stacy Willis motored to Davis Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Carlyle Willis and little daughter Tressa Lee spent Sunday afternoon at Marshallberg, the guest of Mrs. Furnie Willis.

Mr. Clyde Willis, who is attending Straits High School, spent the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A.V. Willis.

Messrs. Fred Fulcher and Manly Willis made a flying trip to Davis Tuesday night. The report is they went to see two widows.

Mr. Troy Willis motored to Beaufort Monday on business.

Mrs. James W. Wade is spending several days in Beaufort with her friends.


Wire Grass Items

Mr. and Mrs. L.L. Springle of Russell’s Creek spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Taylor.

Mrs. Andrew Ennett of Cedar Point and Mr. G.C. Langdale were called home to be at the bed side of their mother, Mrs. D.E. Langside, who is very ill.

Misses Lithian Lewis and Virginia Dare Lewis spent Sunday night with Miss Ruby Lane.

Mrs. Martha Hummings of Newport is visiting friends in our community this week.

Miss Lillian Norris of Russell’s Creek spent Saturday night with Miss Mattie Lee Taylor.

Mr. Floyd Eubanks and Miss Nora Oglesby attended the teachers meeting at Marshallberg Saturday.

Mr. and Mrs. S.T. Dudley of Baltimore are visiting relatives here this week.

Mr. Robert Lupton was a caller at the home of Miss Mattie Lee Taylor Sunday afternoon.

Messrs. Henry Dudley and Leland Morton were callers at the home of Miss Ruby Lane Sunday night.

Mr. J.T. Norris was in New Bern Wednesday on business.

Mr. and Mrs. H.W. Styron spent Sunday afternoon with Mrs. D.E. Langdale.


Davis Items

A few of the boys motored to Straits Saturday night to a pie party.

Miss Inez Davis returned from Davis Island Sunday after visiting her friend Miss Retha Murphy.

Mr. Arthur Mason of Beaufort motored to Davis Sunday to see Miss Agness Fulcher.

Mr. Elwood Davis was the guest of Miss Stella Davis Sunday night.

Mrs. J.S. Alligood returned home from the New Bern hospital Thursday where she has been for treatment.

Mr. Westly Paul was the guest of Miss Ruby Davis Sunday night.

A number of Stacy boys were in our town Sunday.

Mr. Loyd Davis was the guest of Miss Vivian Davis Sunday night.

Mr. A. Paul was in our town Sunday.


Core Creek News Items

The weather continues to be extremely bad. Rain most of the time.

Mr. Alonzo Foreman was a business visitor to Beaufort Sunday.

Reverend Cheek filled his regular appointment here Sunday afternoon. He gave us a very good sermon.

Mr. M.C. Dickinson was in Beaufort Tuesday on a business trip.

Mr. G.L. Langdale, who has been at Wire Grass for a few days at the bed side of Mrs. D.E. Langdale who is very ill, returned home Monday.

Mr. Raymond Dickinson was a business visitor in Beaufort Friday.

Mr. Rufus Ward was a caller at the home of Miss Beulah Dickinson Sunday afternoon and night.

Miss Valeira Whitley spent Sunday with Miss Bonnie Langdale.

Mr. David Bell was a visitor at the home of Miss Vera Sabiston Sunday afternoon and night.

The Graham Brothers are trying to finish their ginning, but the weather keeps so bad the farmers can not get cotton to the gin.

Miss Mattie Lee Taylor spent Wednesday night with Miss Valeira Witley.

Mr. W.J. Hardesty was in our neighborhood last Saturday for a few hours.


Personal Notes

Miss Margaret Skarren, who is teaching at Harlowe, spent the week-end here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W.E. Skarren.

Mr. W.E. Mersin of Washington spent the week-end with his family.

Mr. Will Blades of New Bern spent Monday here attending to business.

Mrs. Mary Wheatly was taken to New Bern hospital Sunday for treatment.

Mrs. Dave Davis was taken to Washington Sunday, where she will enter a hospital for treatment.

Mr. John Harvey was taken to Baltimore this week for treatment.

Mrs. B.F. Manning spent Saturday in Morehead City with friends.

Mr. and Mrs. Brodie Willis spent Saturday in Morehead City with relatives.

Miss Viola Robinson of New Bern spent the week-end here with her parents.

Mrs. Sadie Dickinson, who is teaching at Marshallberg, spent the week-end in New Bern with relatives.

Mrs. Mary Willis is spending several days here this week with her sister.

Mr. Clayton Willis and Mrs. Robert Willis of Davis spent Saturday here attending to business.

Mr. and Mrs. S.T. Dudley and children of Wilmington, who have been visiting relatives here for several days, left Tuesday returning home.

Mrs. W.D. Hunnings of Newport, who has been spending several days here visiting friends, left Tuesday returning home.

Dr. C.L. Duncan left Tuesday for Raleigh to attend to business.

Mrs. M.L. Wright and Mrs. N.F. Eure spent Tuesday in Morehead City.

Mr. W.T. Davis of Davis was a business visitor here Tuesday.

Mr. W.J.B. Shull of Newport spent Tuesday here on business.

Mr. Ed Moore of Gloucester passed through town Tuesday enroute to Morehead City to attend to business.

Mr. M.L. Wright was a business visitor in Morehead City Tuesday.

Mrs. E.M. Willis returned from Norfolk last week after several weeks’ visit.

Mr. Joe Mason of Atlantic was a business visitor here Wednesday.

Mr. Oliver Springle is recovering rapidly from a very serious operation he underwent in New Bern several weeks ago.

Mr. Guy Lewis of Sea Level passed through town Tuesday for Norfolk, where he is employed.

Master Frank Bullock of Atlantic passed through town Wednesday enroute to Morehead City hospital where he will receive treatment.

Miss Lillie Morris of Morehead City spent Sunday here with her friends.

Mrs. Stella Sorovich of Sea Level spent several days here this week with relatives returning home Wednesday.

Miss Eunice Rose and Mr. Elvin Salter, and Alvin Willis passed thru town Tuesday enroute to New Bern to spend several days.

Mr. Claude Salter of Atlantic passed through town Wednesday enroute to New Bern to attend to business.

Mrs. Joe Hill left Wednesday for Mansfield to visit relatives.

Mrs. Denard Roberts, who has been spending several days in Straits, passed through town Wednesday returning home.

Mrs. J.C. Lefferts, who has been visiting relatives at Smyrna for several weeks, passed through town Wednesday returning to her home in Florida.

Mrs. Eva Wolfe of Southport is here on a visit to Mr. and Mrs. J.M. Wolfe.

Mrs. Arthur Newkirk spent Wednesday in Morehead City with relatives.

Mr. and Mrs. W.W. Shaw left Wednesday for Washington where they will spend several days.

Mr. Jim Rumley was a business visitor to New Bern Wednesday.

From The Beaufort News, Feb. 9, 1922

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