
Saturday, February 19, 2022

New Farm Demonstration Agent to be Named Soon, Feb 19, 1922

New Demonstration Agent Named Soon

The position of farm demonstration agent of Mecklenburg county, which has been vacant since Charles S. Jones resigned the position some weeks as to accept a position with the federal government as inspector of stockyard and packing plants, will probably be filled in the near future. Two names are being considered at present for the position. One is that of Cope Elias of Swain county, this State, and another is E.C. Hobbs of Clinton.

The recommendations for the place are made by E.S. Millsaps, district agent for the Western part of North Carolina. Both Mr. Hobbs and Mrs. Elias are said to be well qualified to fill the position.

Mr. Hobbs is a graduate of the North Carolina State College and has had practical experience in putting into operation on a farm the knowledge he gained in college. Mr. Elias is a graduate of Cornell University and took special training at a well-known agricultural school. He has been farming successfully in Swain county.

The county commissioners are considering the qualifications of the two men and will make a decision in the near future, it is understood.

From The Charlotte News, Sunday, Feb. 19, 1922

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