
Monday, February 28, 2022

New Selma Pastor Weds Annie Hughes Shannonhouse, Feb. 28, 1922

New Selma Pastor Weds

A wedding of more than usual local interest was the marriage last Tuesday of Rev. A.A. Butler and Mrs. Annie Hughes Shannonhouse at the Hertford Baptist church in Hertford at 11 o’clock. Rev. B.L. Rhodes performed the ceremony, which was witnessed by a few intimate friends of the high contracting parties.

The bridegroom was a former pastor of the Hertford Baptist church, and is held in high esteem by Hertford people who known him. He becomes pastor of the Baptist church at Selma after March 1. The bride is a daughter of Mrs. Annie Hughes and has always lived in Hertford, where she enjoys the love and esteem of everyone.

While the wedding has been expected by friends of both for several months, all were taken by surprise when it really occurred.

A short wedding trip followed the ceremony. Rev. and Mrs. Butler will live at Selma.

From the Hertford Herald, as reprinted on the front page of The Smithfield Herald, Feb. 28, 1922

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