
Wednesday, February 23, 2022

Solon Webb Killed, Charles Williamson Injured in Auto Accident on Lattimore Road, Feb. 23, 1922

Meets Death in Auto Accident. . . Mr. Solon Webb of Lattimore Killed and Mr. Charles Williamson Was Injured

The following account of the deplorable automobile accident near Shelby is taken from the Shelby Highlander:

Mr. Solon Webb of near Lattimore met death on the afternoon of Feb. 20, about 2 o’clock in an automobile accident, which took place near Peter Grigg’s residence on the Lattimore road just west of Shelby. Mr. Webb was riding with Mr. Charles Williamson in a Dodge automobile, which Mr. Williamson says he had just sold to Mr. Webb. Mr. Williamson was himself seriously injured. There is some doubt as to who was running the car, some saying Mr. Webb, others Mr. Williamson.

The accident occurred as the Dodge swerved to pass a wagon, the machine skidding while the right front wheel buckled, the car turning over twice. Mr. Webb was caught under the machine and suffered terrible injuries, including the breaking of his neck, crushing the side of his head, breaking is left leg and dislocating his hip. The car was almost completely demolished.

Mr. Williamson, who lives near Polkville, is understood to have said that he had sold the car to Mr. Webb and that he had been driving and had just turned the steering wheel over to Mr. Webb only a few moments before the accident. Mr. Webb leaves a wife and several children, who have the sympathy of many friends in their tragic bereavement. The burial of Mr. Webb took place at Lattimore.

From the Shelby Highlander, as reprinted in the Forest City Courier, Rutherford County, N.C., Thursday, Feb. 23, 1922

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